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In the Internet of Things era, this profile implies the ability to perform both digital design and engineering activities, to semantically bridge multiple layers of abstraction and specificity - from business analysis down to cyber-physical engineering. In the paper's proposal, this integration is enabled by conceptual modelling methods and interoperable modelling tools, tailored to support the creation of Digital Twins for innovative digital business models.
Conference: 21st IFIP WG 5.5. Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2021
Cite as: Karagiannis D. et al. (2020) OMiLAB: A Smart Innovation Environment for Digital Engineers. In: Camarinha-Matos L.M., Afsarmanesh H., Ortiz A. (eds) Boosting Collaborative Networks 4.0. PRO-VE 2020. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 598. Springer, Cham.
This paper addresses enterprise modeling needs, in a specific field of industrial management: the design and management of industrial product-service-systems. During the last decade, the industrial sector has undergone a change of the business model, through an increasing internalisation of service activities in manufacturing companies. The objective of this chapter is to develop a generic metamodel, which could be used to further develop IT support solutions for the design and lifecycle management of product-service-systems. The specification of this metamodel together with the associated modeling method are explained then illustrated on an industrial case study.
Book Chapter, in Domain-Specific Conceptual Modelling: Concepts, Methods and Tools, Springer
Cite as: Boucher X., Medini K., Fill HG. (2016) Product-Service-System Modeling Method. In: Karagiannis D., Mayr H., Mylopoulos J. (eds) Domain-Specific Conceptual Modeling. Springer, Cham.
The transition from a product–oriented business towards a PSS-oriented business, known in the scientific literature as ‘servitization’ involves complex changes for decision-makers. Over the past years, the scientific literature has provided consistent advances in PSS decision-support systems including PSS modelling. However, concerning PSS modelling languages or formalisms, most initiatives remain context dependent; to date only a small a piece of literature addresses the need for reproducibility of PSS modelling methods. The objective of this paper is to make a first step forward in this direction, by proposing an iterative procedure dedicated to build generic meta-models and by applying it to generate a first proposal of PSS meta-model, expected to be re-usable in several distinct modelling and decision-making contexts.
Proceedings of 8th CIRP IPSS Conference, 20-21 June 2016, Bergamo, Italy
Cite as: Xavier Boucher, Khaled Medini. Towards a generic meta-model for PSS scenarios modelling and analysis. 8th Product-Service Systems across Life Cycle, Jun 2016, Bergame, Italy. pp.Pages 234-239,
The Digital Innovation Environment (DiEn) powered by OMiLAB enables design, engineering and training activities for organisations pursuing Digital Transformation initiatives. Stakeholders from multi-disciplinary backgrounds are supported to create innovative ideas as Digital Business Models, to materialise them in proof-of-concept implementations using Digital Twins and to evaluate their feasibility in a laboratory setting as/through the OMiLAB Innovation Corner, within a corporate or academic context focusing on Digital Innovation.
Publisher: OMiLAB
Cite as: OMILAB Team. (2020, September 30). A Digital Innovation Environment powered by Open Models Laboratory (Version 1.0). Zenodo.